We've been back to school for 3 weeks since the holidays, and we've had 4-day school weeks for all 3 of those due to (1) visiting family, (2) Zachary's and Ryan's 13th birthday, and (3) MLK holiday for which Joe was home from work. We should get 5 full days next week.
We had a pretty good week this week.
Zachary and Ryan completed 4 lessons in NEM 1 and finished the textbook lessons for Chapter 7. They normally go straight to the associated workbook exercises when they complete a chapter (and it always takes them at least 3 days to complete the workbook for a chapter), but we're going to do it a little differently this time. They have a test (outside of our homeschool) coming up in a couple of weeks, and I want to get them exposed to Chapters 8 and 9 before then. So, we'll plow on through the textbook lessons for those two chapters during the next couple of weeks, then go back and do all the workbook items plus the big review in the textbook at the end of Chapter 7 after they complete their testing. They also worked on Diogenes and completed some exercises in Henle.
Catherine continued working on multiplying fractions in math. She moved along in List 5 of Megawords 1 (she typically does 1 page per day), and she finished through exercise 1.8 in Latin Prep 1. She is really enjoying Latin! I like the way Latin Prep gets them translating both ways (Latin to English; English to Latin) so quickly, and it seems to be giving her confidence that she can really learn Latin. :-) Her Homer notebook is now ready to begin Week 1 of A.
Elizabeth is almost finished with the second 1st grade reader of the Pathway Reader books (there are three for first grade). Her reading is becoming more and more fluent! She worked in her copywork book, and I dictated several sentences to her this week (using mostly her spelling words). She did some math work on shapes and length. I decided to order First Language Lessons for her, and that should come in next week.
We've started our 3rd week of TOG but will finish it up this next week. Here are some of the books that have been enjoyed during our first couple of weeks:


William Bradford: Pilgrim Boy
(The above link is to an edition of the book different than the one pictured.)

Along Came Galileo

Courage and Conviction: Chronicles of the Reformation Church (History Lives series)

The Awakening of Europe (Yesterday's Classics)
Science - we haven't started it back since the holidays. Ahem.
Keep up the good work! And there is always next week for science!